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Eternal Release: A Kabbalistic Spell to Free Your/her/him Heart from the Past

Eternal Release: A Kabbalistic Spell to Free Your/her/him Heart from the Past

Regular price $45
Regular price $60 Sale price $45
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Leave Your Ex Behind: Let Your Partner Forget Their Ex Forever. Transform Your Life with an Unobstructed Love Journey. LEVEL 2

Are you tired of lingering memories and attachments to past relationships? It's time to move forward and embrace a love free from third-party obstacles. Our powerful spell will help you and your partner let go of the past, allowing you to create a future filled with pure and unencumbered love.

Say goodbye to the shadows of the past and welcome a new chapter of happiness and emotional freedom. Experience the bliss of a relationship where your hearts are fully present, unburdened by the ghosts of ex-lovers.
For over 3,000 years, the ancient techniques of Kabbalah have shaped destinies, enabling kings to conquer empires. Even today, influential figures in the worlds of art, politics, and global economy consult Kabbalah experts to drive their projects forward. With each purchase, you not only receive the powerful Kabbalistic spell but also an exclusive audio that synchronizes your brainwaves with the spell's frequencies while you sleep, amplifying the results.

Now, we bring these potent techniques within your reach, empowering you to enhance any aspect of your life. Take control of your destiny and unlock your true potential. Embrace these powerful tools responsibly, as you embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation.

Don't wait any longer—seize the opportunity to create the life you desire. Purchase now and unlock the ancient powers of Kabbalah!"


Here's what you'll get:

🔮 A powerful cast of the Kabbalistic NeuroSpel , done 3 times with mind influencing.
🎧 A track of 90 minuts to listen to for 7 nights, which will describe your wishes and everything that has been and will be done.

I'll email you when the cast is complete, so be sure to send me your full love needs and wishes with names and intentions in the notes during the checkout at purchase.

our spell will usually be done within 24 hours, unless it's the weekend or if I'm traveling.
Hope this helps you get the love you desire!

Neuro spell is the ultimate spell manifestation technique

Our Neuro Spell combines the precision of science with the power and creativity of Kabbalistic magic, allowing you to achieve incredible results that go beyond anything you ever imagined. You'll be able to solve love problems faster, unlock new opportunities, and create truly magical experiences that will leave your speechless.

Many witches and spellcasters may perform their spells correctly, but sometimes the intended recipient may not be able to receive them due to vibrating at a different frequency than the spell. This can lead to the spell not being fully realized and its effects not being fully experienced.

By listening to the audio for 7 days while you sleep, you'll be able to entrain your brain waves to the same frequency as the spell, creating a powerful resonance that will amplify its effects. You'll wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day with renewed energy and focus.

Once I message you, you may begin the activation process as described in the manual you will recived
My rituals are based on PURE LOVE and POSITIVE ENERGY, utilizing the world's most famous and powerful Laws of Attraction.

I do not use black magic, evil, occultism, or witchcraft, as my spells are pure and cannot bring any harm to you. They are 100% safe and are the most powerful rituals in existence, handed down only to descendants of Kabbalist Templars.
I have been practicing and mastering these rituals for over 30 years, making them the most effective rituals practiced throughout all the ages of mankind.
I don't accept doing spells targeted towards individuals under 18 years old or over 80 years old
The Universe controls everything. Whatever is meant to be WILL BE, and whatever is not meant to be will fade away, as it should.

Although I receive reports of immediate results daily, not everyone reports back, and all spells can take anywhere from a day to several months to work. If you do not see immediate results, it does not mean that the ritual did not work. It is also important to create channels with the neurospell track for the spell to work best. Sometimes it takes the Universe a while to receive the intentions that you have for yourself or someone else.

If after 60 days there are still no results from the ritual work, I will offer a ONE-TIME recast as my gift.
My clients worldwide report an extremely high rate of success and all feel that the power is worth having on their side.

Love, Chiara.

So if you're ready to take your live to the next level, invest in the power of neurospell today. With our product, you'll be able to achieve incredible things and unlock the potential of the world around you. Don't wait – try it now and see the results for yourself!

**** Notice ****
**By law, all ritualists are required to state that All readings, candle burning and energy works are provided for religious and or divertissement or entertainment purposes, providing potentials and probabilities without guarantees as an individual’s free will may determine the actual experience or outcome and limitless opportunities.
You are buying the Document of Completion which will be sent to you via email. These readings are not intended to substitute advice or help from legal or medical professions. No legal or medical advice is given in my readings. You must be over the age of 18. I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a reading purchase if the reading request is outside of my ethical boundaries. I also reserve the right to limit the number of follow-up contacts after a ritual. I am happy to answer questions as to procedure but I do not issue refunds or issue partial refunds.
The purchasing of products signifies your acceptance of the policy statements and releases Neurospell from all liability.
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